Most of us know that we need to be kind to ourselves. Often, you’re the only person who truly knows you and what you need in order to feel better, so take the lead on looking after yourself and being kinder. Many of us are kinder to others than we are to ourselves, so if you think you need to improve on this aspect of your life, here are some ways you can get started.
1.Take a hot bath
Not only are hot baths a great way to relax anyway but there are numerous benefits, such as reducing your blood pressure and decreasing stress. The addition of some bath salts or a bath bomb made from essential oils can work as an anti-inflammatory as well as giving your sense of smell a great treat!
2.Sleep longer
You can do this either by going to bed and sleeping earlier at night or by giving yourself that extra 30 minutes in the morning before going to work. This is something which you will need to explore yourself, especially if you have a day job and are required to be at work at a particular time. You can either take half a day off or speak to your manager about coming in a little bit late one day a week.
3.Buy yourself something healthy
When we think about treating ourselves to something edible, we often reach for the chocolate, the chips, and other sweet treats full of calories. However, if you think deeper about it, you’re actually being kinder to yourself if you choose healthier alternatives. You can opt for the low-calorie options, or get creative at home by making chips from potatoes and salt, or cake with limited sugar.
4.Be kind to your reflection
For many people, it works well to look at your reflection in the mirror and pay yourself some compliments. You might not get many compliments throughout the day – don’t worry, most people don’t. Being kind to yourself is all about helping yourself by filling in the gaps that you aren’t happy with. If you want more compliments, give them to yourself. This will make you happier, and in turn, could even increase the number of positive comments that you receive from others around you.
5.Set yourself a gentle goal
When you achieve a goal, you feel good about yourself. But it’s not always a good idea to set hard and fast goals for yourself. If you’re feeling pressured and stress lately, set yourself a gentle goal that is easily achievable and doesn’t put you under too much stress.