Recent studies have shown that being kind to others can increase your personal overall health and well-being. It doesn’t take much to discover just how true this really is. When you’re kind to someone, you get a buzz of energy that feels great for you, and this is amplified by the knowledge that you’ve made someone else happier.
It creates good moods all round
Not only are you making someone else happier, but it makes you happier too when you show kindness to others. People will also generally feel happier just by hearing about something kind that one person has done for another. It’s the perfect way to put yourself in a good mood while also improving the moods of others.
You can improve your relationships
Being kinder to your family, friends and other people around you can instantly improve your relationships. When you start a new job, being kind to others creates a great first impression and makes it difficult to make enemies in the workplace. Maintaining good relationships with those around you is beneficial not only since it makes everybody happier, but also because you will create a network of people on whom you can rely in times of trouble.
The world can be a better place
We hear it often – if only everybody was kind to each other, the world would be such a better place! While this is true, it sounds impossible and of course, is unlikely to ever happen. This doesn’t mean that we can’t start with ourselves and make a difference to the world around us. You never know the impact that your kindness can have on others and the world.
You feel better about yourself
Being kind is so important for you as an individual since it can help increase your self-esteem and confidence levels. Almost nobody can criticize you for being kind, so you should feel confident and happy about doing it. Improving your relationships and making others happier is a great way to boost your own confidence.
It can help improve your physical and mental health
Being kind has been known to increase serotonin in our brain, acting as somewhat of an anti-depressant and helping to minimize levels of sadness. It can improve our digestion, sleep, memory, and overall health, giving you more energy and positivity to continue creating more happiness wherever we go.